For the ninth consecutive year the CAP Group has developed its sustainability report aimed at informing about its strategy, priorities and performance in the areas of greatest relevance for the sustainability of its operations.

This report was prepared in accordance with the guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative, in its G4 version and Essential option, including the Mining & Metals Sector supplement. It focuses on the topics of greatest relevance to the CAP Group and its stakeholders, determined by following the GRI-G4 guidelines.

The information that is presented deals with the management of the company during the year 2016. Also included are data from previous years in order to provide a broader context, as well as the main events occurring as of the date of publication of this document.

The report includes the corporate governance of the Group and its four businesses: i.e. CAP Mineria, CAP Acero, Procesamiento de Acero steel processing company; and CAP infraestructura infrastructure works company.

A task force (consisting of representatives of the different corporate managements of the CAP Group and its companies) prepared this report. Its work was coordinated by CAP’s Sustainability & Human Resources Department with the assistance of external experts. The team ensured compliance with GRI principles and was commissioned to collect and validate the information thus reported.

If you have any queries about this report, you can contact with the
Corporate Sustainability and Human Resources Department to mail or call to the Phone +56 2 818 6000