GRI 101: Foundation 2016


Page Omissions External Verification
Organizational Profile
102-1 Organization name CAP at a glance Yes
102-2 Activities, brands, products and services Business description Yes
102-3 Headquarters location CAP Group headquarters is located in Santiago de Chile Yes
102-4 Location of operations Business description / Environmental context of operations Yes
102-5 Nature of ownership and legal form Ownership and Board of Directors Yes
102-6 Markets served Business description Yes
102-7 Size of the organization Business description / CAP in figures Yes
102-8 Information about employees and other workers Respect for workers Yes
102-9 Supply chain Value chain Yes
102-10 Significant changes in the organization and its supply chain Suppliers / An evolving organization / No significant changes introduced by CAP in its supply chain in 2017 Yes
102-11 Information on how the organization addresses the precautionary principle Corporate CAP People and Sustainability Policies safeguard the application of the precautionary approach as part of the normal practice of all Group companies Yes
102-12 External initiatives Organizations and initiatives that CAP subscribes / Sustainable development objectives Yes
102-13 Detail of associations the organization is a member of Organizations and initiatives that CAP subscribes Yes
102-14 Statement from the President President’s vision. Interview with CEO Yes
102-15 Main impacts, risks and opportunities Editorial / Sustainability in business strategy / Ethics and Human Rights / Risk management and compliance / Relations with publics of interest / Environmental management / Communities Yes
Ethics and Transparency
102-16 Values, principles, standards and conduct norms Mission, vision, values / Code of Ethics / Whistleblowing system / Crime, corruption and bribery prevention Yes
102-17 Consultation mechanism on ethics Code of Ethics / Whistleblowing system Yes
102-18 Governance structure Ownership and Board of Directors Yes
102-19 Delegation of authority by the highest governance body Sustainability governance Yes
102-20 Senior executives or with responsibilities in economic, environmental and social aspects Sustainability governance Yes
102-21 Consultation to stakeholders on economic, environmental and social aspects Relationship with stakeholders Yes
102-22 Composition of the highest governance body and its committees Corporate governance Yes
102-23 Information of whether the chair of the highest governance body performs also executive duties The Chairman of the CAP Board does not perform executive duties in the company Yes
102-25 Conflicts of interest Crime, corruption and bribery prevention Yes
102-26 Functions of the highest governance body in the definition of purpose, values and strategy Corporate governance / Sustainability governance / Ethics committee / Corporate People and Sustainability Policies Yes
102-27 Collective knowledge of the highest governance body Corporate governance / Sustainability governance Yes
102-29 Identification and management of economic, environmental and social impacts Corporate governance / Sustainability governance Yes
102-30 Efficiency of risk management processes Risk management and compliance Yes
102-32 Function of the highest governance body in the Sustainability Report Sustainability governance / Material aspects Yes
Stakeholder Engagement
102-40 List of stakeholders Relationship with stakeholders Yes
102-41 Collective bargaining agreements Human Rights in the workplace Yes
102-42 Identification and selection of stakeholders Relationship with stakeholders Yes
102-43 Approach about stakeholders’ engagement Relationship with stakeholders / Human development / Human Rights in the workplace Yes
102-44 Key aspects and concerns arisen as a result of stakeholder engagement Relationship with stakeholders / Suppliers / Human development / Human Rights in the workplace Yes
Reporting Practices
102-45 Entities mentioned in consolidated financial statements 2017 Financial Report Yes
102-46 Definition of content and boundary of each aspect Material aspects Yes
102-47 List of material aspects Material aspects Yes
102-48 Reformulation of information About this Report Yes
102-49 Changes in Report About this Report Yes
102-50 Reporting period About this Report Yes
102-51 Date of last report 2016 Yes
102-52 Report cycle About this Report / Material aspects Yes
102-53 Contact point for questions and doubts about the report About this Report Yes
102-54 “In accordance” option with GRI Standards About this Report Yes
102-55 GRI index GRI Index Yes
102-56 External verification About this Report / Material aspects Yes


Page Omissions External Verification
GRI 103: 2016 Management Approach
103-1 Explanation of material aspect and its boundaries Business context / Climate change Yes
103-2 Components and management approach Business context / Climate change Yes
103-3 Assessment of management approach Business context / Climate change Yes
GRI 201: Economic Performance
GRI 201-1: Direct economic value generated and distributed Relationship with stakeholders Yes
GRI 201-2: Financial implications and other risks and opportunities derived from climate change Climate change Yes


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GRI 103: 2016 Management Approach
103-1 Explanation of material aspect and its boundaries Communities Yes
103-2 Components and management approach Communities Yes
103-3 Assessment of management approach Communities Yes
GRI 203: Indirect Economic Impacts
203-1 Investment in infrastructure and services supported Communities Yes
G203-2 Significant indirect economic impacts Communities Yes


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GRI 103: 2016 Management Approach
103-1 Explanation of material aspect and its boundaries Climate change Yes
103-2 Components and management approach Climate change Yes
103-3 Assessment of management approach Climate change Yes
GRI 302: Energy
302-1 Energy consumption within the organization Climate change Yes (Except Cintac)
302-3 Energy intensity Climate change Yes


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GRI 103: 2016 Management Approach
103-1 Explanation of material aspect and its boundaries Water Yes
103-2 Components and management approach Water Yes
103-3 Assessment of management approach Water Yes
GRI 303: Water
303-1 Water withdrawal per source Water Yes
303-2 Water sources significantly affected by water withdrawal Water Yes
303-3 Recycled and reused water Water Yes


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GRI 103: 2016 Management Approach
103-1 Explanation of material aspect and its boundaries Territorial planning Yes
103-2 Components and management approach Territorial planning Yes
103-3 Assessment of management approach Territorial planning Yes
GRI 304: Biodiversity
304-3 Protected or restored habitats Territorial planning Yes
MM1 Portion of land (owned, leased or managed for the production, activities or extractive use) that has been affected and/or restored Territorial planning Yes


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GRI 103: 2016 Management Approach
103-1 Explanation of material aspect and its boundaries Climate change / Air Yes
103-2 Components and management approach Climate change / Air Yes
103-3 Assessment of management approach Climate change / Air Yes
GRI 305: Emissions
305-1 Direct GHG emissions (scope 1) Climate change Not verified
305-2 Indirect GHG emissions in the generation of energy (scope 2) Climate change Not verified
305-4 Intensity of GHG emissions Climate change Yes
305-5 Reduction of GHG emissions Climate change Yes
305-7 Nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx) and other significant emissions into the atmosphere Air Yes


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GRI 103: 2016 Management Approach
103-1 Explanation of material aspect and its boundaries Environmental management / Mining and non-mining waste Yes
103-2 Components and management approach Environmental management / Mining and non-mining waste Yes
103-3 Assessment of management approach Environmental management / Mining and non-mining waste Yes
GRI 306: Effluents and Waste
306-1 Total water discharged according to quality and destination Mining and non-mining waste Yes
306-2 Waste per disposal type and method Mining and non-mining waste Yes
306-3 Significant spills Environmental Management Yes
MM3 Management of massive mining waste Environmental Management Yes


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GRI 103: 2016 Management Approach
103-1 Explanation of material aspect and its boundaries Environmental management Yes
103-2 Components and management approach Environmental management Yes
103-3 Assessment of management approach Environmental management Yes
GRI 307: Environmental Compliance
307-1 Non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations Environmental compliance Yes


Page Omissions External Verification
GRI 103: 2016 Management Approach
103-1 Explanation of material aspect and its boundaries Respect for collaborators Yes
103-2 Components and management approach Respect for collaborators Yes
103-3 Assessment of management approach Respect for collaborators Yes
GRI 401: Employment
401-1 New employee hires and personnel turnover Respect for collaborators Yes


Page Omissions External Verification
GRI 103: Management Approach
103-1 Explanation of material aspect and its boundaries Respect for collaborators Yes
103-2 Components and management approach Respect for collaborators Yes
103-3 Assessment of management approach Respect for collaborators Yes
GRI 402: Labor Management Relations
402-1 Minimum notice time regarding operational changes Respect for collaborators Yes
MM4 Number of strikes in the period disclosed exceeding one week duration Respect for collaborators Yes


Page Omissions External Verification
GRI 103: 2016 Management Approach
103-1 Explanation of material aspect and its boundaries Respect for collaborators Yes
103-2 Components and management approach Respect for collaborators Yes
103-3 Assessment of management approach Respect for collaborators Yes
GRI 403: Occupational Health and Safety
403-1 Workers represented in formal management–worker health and safety committees Respect for collaborators Yes
403-2 Types of accidents and accident frequency rates, occupational diseases, lost days, absenteeism and number of fatalities for work accidents or occupational diseases Respect for collaborators Yes


Page Omissions External Verification
GRI 103: 2016 Management Approach
103-1 Explanation of material aspect and its boundaries Talent Yes
103-2 Components and management approach Talent Yes
103-3 Assessment of management approach Talent Yes
GRI 404: Training and Education
404-1 Average training hours per year, per employee Talent Yes
404-2 Programs for the advancement of worker’s skills and programs to support them in career transition Talent Yes
404-3 Percentage of employees that receive periodic performance and professional development evaluations Talent Yes


Page Omissions External Verification
GRI 103: 2016 Management Approach
103-1 Explanation of material aspect and its boundaries Respect for workers Yes
103-2 Components and management approach Respect for workers Yes
103-3 Assessment of management approach Respect for workers Yes
GRI 405: Diversity and Equal Opportunity
405-1: Diversity in governance bodies and employees Corporate governance / Respect for workers Yes
405-2 Ratio of the basic salary and remuneration of women vs. men Respect for workers Yes


Page Omissions External Verification
GRI 103: 2016 Management Approach
103-1 Explanation of material aspect and its boundaries Code of ethics and whistleblowing system / Respect for workers Yes
103-2 Components and management approach Code of ethics and whistleblowing system / Respect for workers Yes
103-3 Assessment of management approach Code of ethics and whistleblowing system / Respect for workers Yes
GRI 406: Non-Discrimination
406-1: Discrimination cases and corrective actions taken Code of ethics and whistleblowing system / Respect for workers Yes


Page Omissions External Verification
GRI 103: 2016 Management Approach
103-1 Explanation of material aspect and its boundaries Corporate governance Yes
103-2 Components and management approach Corporate governance Yes
103-3 Assessment of management approach Corporate governance Yes
GRI 411: Rights of Indigenous Peoples
411-1: Cases of violations of indigenous peoples rights Corporate governance Yes


Page Omissions External Verification
GRI 103: 2016 Management Approach
103-1 Explanation of material aspect and its boundaries Communities Yes
103-2 Components and management approach Communities Yes
103-3 Assessment of management approach Communities Yes
GRI 413: Local Communities
413-1 Operations with local community engagement, impact assessments and development programs Communities Yes
413-2 Operations with significant negative impacts –actual or potential- in local communities Communities Yes
MM6 Number and description of significant conflicts involving land use, and the customary rights of local communities and indigenous peoples Communities Yes


Page Omissions External Verification
GRI 103: 2016 Management Approach
103-1 Explanation of material aspect and its boundaries Corporate governance / Compliance Yes
103-2 Components and management approach Corporate governance / Compliance Yes
103-3 Assessment of management approach Corporate governance / Compliance Yes
GRI 419: Compliance
419-1 Non-compliance of social and economic laws and regulations Compliance Yes